The NiKhar Group supports school districts successfully implement legislation surrounding the School Improvement Process, ESSA, and workforce initiatives. Our most popular programs and services are: read more
"Because We Care...We Get RESULTS!"
#1 Rated School Improvement, CURRICULUM, & leadership SUPPORT Company
College and Career Readiness Curriculum Programs:
Man 13™ Male Leadership Program
Man13™ unique male leadership curriculum combines a combination of 21st Century college and career readiness curriculum along with a superb speaker’s bureau to support middle school students in understanding the need to be ready for high school, college and the workforce at-large. Students spend time exploring foundational lessons which will prepare them for successful next-steps once they leave high school. Each and every lesson is reinforced by a career professional that actually comes on-site to assist students with these exciting career lessons. This program curriculum is embedded with Ohio content standards and aids in dropout prevention.
Get the complete Man 13™ Curriculum for your school district, school, and/or for your classroom! Man 13™ has 13 scripted lessons which are aligned to Ohio Content Standards essential to achieving college and career readiness. Embedded throughout the Man 13™ curriculum are service projects, community connections, access to mentors and licensed leadership coaches who connect the dots.
Reynoldsburg City Schools
Hannah Ashton Middle School
Public Servant Curriculum
Public servants are important to the overall health of citizens in any community. Emphasis will be placed on the role of police and other public servants which provide protection and other services to support a safe society. Get the complete Public Servant Curriculum for your school district, school, and/or for your classroom! This curriculum has 7 scripted lessons which are aligned to Ohio Content Standards essential to achieving college and career readiness. We actually partner with your local Police Department! Middle and High School Curriculum Available.