The NiKhar Group supports school districts successfully implement legislation surrounding the School Improvement Process, ESSA, and workforce initiatives. Our most popular programs and services are: read more
"Because We Care...We Get RESULTS!"
#1 Rated School Improvement, CURRICULUM, & leadership SUPPORT Company
Tutor Intervention Support Programs:
"Because We Care...YOU Get Results!"
All our intervention programs include the following Key Components:
On-Site Administrator
Highly qualified staff
Curriculum orientation and development
Student individualized diagnostic and instruction
Data-driven reports
RIMP monitoring plan reports
Response to intervention data reports
We offer two tutoring intervention pathways:
1. Afterschool
1. Third Grade Reading Guarantee (TGRG) Intensive Tutoring Program
2. Reading and Math (k-12 grade)
2. Summer Intervention Camps:
1.Kindergarten Readiness Summer Camp
2. Third Grade Reading Guarantee (TGRG) Intensive Tutoring Program (only 5 school district slots left)
3. Reading and Math Summer Intensive
4. College and Career Readiness Literacy and Soft Skills Boot Camp (6-8 Grade)
Contact The NiKhar Group TODAY to secure your customized tutoring program!
Call 614-203-9733